

The truth is that most people affected with dizziness don’t have a brain tumor or cerebellar degeneration or a stroke! Dizziness very often arises from the depths of the cervical spine and is the result of a “ calculation error.” When everything is functioning normally, our muscle sensors, our visual perception through the eyes and our acoustic spatial orientation through the ears supply our “architects of movement” – the cerebellum and the organs of equilibrium – with synchronized super-fast information, which assures that our body can securely regulate coordination, orientation and balance.

However, overly tense neck muscles can send out erroneous messages. Unequally balanced eye muscles can fail to provide the right information about eye movement guidance, and tense jaw muscles along with locked temporal-mandibular joints can transmit erroneous information through bone conduction to the stressed inner-ear structures of the cochlea. The vertebral artery and its major subsidiary vessels are responsible for supplying blood to the cerebellum and the organs of equilibrium. However, these vessels can be compressed just like a garden hose by strangulation phenomena in the muscles and joints of the upper cervical spine.

In such cases, circulation is severely restricted through the inferior cerebellar artery, the labyrinthine artery and the superior cerebellar artery. This decrease in the blood supply is simple to correct, however, and is not the result of damage to the blood vessels, the inner ear or our movement architect, the cerebellum. So they can direct our gaze and our eye movements, our eyes are supplied with information about vertical and horizontal axes from upstream gaze centers directly linked to the neck muscles. Through feedback circuits to the eyes, ears and the organs of equilibrium, there is a direct super-fast pathway to the depths of the neck muscles. These circuits are of critical importance for successful coordination, balance and a steady gait.

Using targeted Myoreflex therapeutic interventions to the neck-throat musculature as well as the muscles of the eye and the jaw, it is possible to provide regulative stimulation and new direction to the neural network. Balance, coordination and equilibrium problems can be very rapidly regulated in infants and young children. Even in elderly persons 70, 80 or 90 years of age, however, the natural neurophysiological and anatomical pathways just described can be used to efficiently treat dizziness and unsteadiness of gait.

Depending on the prior history, B vitamins, gingko biloba, vertigoheel (a homeopathic mixture), magnesium, zinc, coenzyme Q10, galactose, ribose, Chinese herbs, anthroposophic essences and homeopathic remedies may also help in the management of dizziness problems. Physical medicine treatments, physical therapy, KiD exercises (resistance training in stretched positions), Galileo training, step walking and hiking can likewise help mobilize the forces of self-healing.


ZiT Konstanz

Obere Laube 44
78462 Konstanz


ZiT Konstanz
    +49 7531 – 7141 - 100    
Academy Dr. Mosetter
    +49 7351 – 7141 - 200    

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