
The Key to Success: Meticulous Analysis plus Individualized Training

Before beginning actual training, we perform a sport-specific analysis of vulnerabilities: Every type of sports activity has its own distinctive movements that are repeated many times over, which can result in disturbed muscle and movement symmetries; these, in turn, dramatically increase the risk of injury.

In soccer, vulnerable points are the abdominal musculature and the knee flexors, while in tennis they are the cervical spine and the chest musculature. In golf, the vulnerable points are the muscles below the shoulder blades... The analysis of points of vulnerability leads directly to individual, targeted training.

Just like a movie: Protagonists and antagonists in a battle over symmetry of muscular tone

The antagonist, playing the part of the opponent, starts off the training: if the antagonist is responsible for a painful problem, for example in the biceps, then we train the triceps. In this way, we achieve a situation where the antagonistic muscle truly lets go during the time that the "leading actor" is on stage.

In daily life, some muscles work harder than others: these are the flexors. By means of training methods, such as sit-ups, flexors are given extra (and excessive) training. Compared to the flexors, the antagonist muscles (the extensors) are too weak and too short. Nevertheless – and riders know this from cross-country riding – it is the slowest elements that always determine the pace and the performance of the group! The shortest muscle thus becomes responsible for the overall stability of the body, since muscles are also determinants of bone stability.

A shortened muscle acts negatively as a "brake" This is what we call a disturbed muscle symmetry and in treatment, we eliminate the disturbance that is acting as a brake so that antagonist and protagonist can work optimally together again.

An example: the anterior cruciate ligament is guided and stabilized by the quadriceps muscle (a muscle in the anterior thigh that extends the knee joint) – and if its ischial counterpart is shortened, this limits the quadriceps and the individual becomes more vulnerable to an injury of the anterior cruciate ligament.

Applied Mathematics also helps in Sports Therapy

If a muscle hurts, this is not always the result of damage at the site of the pain. Far more often, the pain is an expression of disturbed symmetry of muscle tone.

If we look at muscles as vectors, and thus in terms of arrows with a certain length and direction, then it is easy to recognize this. A change in a single vector changes all the others that are in relationship with it – and thus affects other muscles that are connected to the vector by tendons, bones and joints. The angle between the various vectors also changes immediately, and this leads to pain.

Let's take a look at the hip flexor as an example: It is determinant for all downward connections towards the feet. And if the hip flexor has a problem, then pain may arise in the knee because its angle is no longer correct. The actual cause of the pain is the muscle located way above it, and not the knee.

A muscle cannot be treated in isolation from the overall musculature and the skeletal system as a whole. For this reason, we train and treat the entire muscle chain, not merely individual muscles.

A Faster and Healthier Pathway to Success

Preventing injuries and optimizing performance are the essence of our training philosophy. Typically, we begin to see success after only a week. Following severe injuries, treatment may take four to six weeks, but seldom longer. The specific results are:

a) increase in the velocity of contraction and improvement in relaxation half-life: the muscle takes less time to contract, and thus can also relax more quickly to be ready for the next effort;

b) improvement in running economy: running economy means being able to run for as long as possible, as effectively as possible and with a more rapid regeneration time. For example, improvement of only five percent means being able to run another 1,500 meters at optimal performance toward the end of a soccer game, which can make all the difference between victory and defeat;

c) increase in stretch capacity: in our specialized Resistance Stretch exercises, we focus on stretching muscles to their maximum possible length. We are able to achieve maximal training effect using only minimal resistance (resistance training). The result is longer rather than thicker muscles;

d) preactivation of the joint-guiding musculature: when muscles are better synchronized, their movements are faster and more stable. This optimizes neuronal networks so that the athlete can act rather than merely reacting – and can thus be one step ahead of his/her opponent’s next move.

Galactose as a Nutritional Advantage

This training concept enhances Myoreflex, manual and modified atlas therapy with a biochemical component. We employ galactose as an ammonia buffer. The concept is based upon the fact that ammonia interferes with performance in the human body. By metabolizing ammonia using galactose, it is possible to detoxify muscle and brain cells. As a result, athletes achieve even higher performance levels.

Galactose is obtained from a protein-free distillate of whey and milk sugar. In the body, it contributes to vital information and control processes and functions as a foundation and framework substance for cells, cell walls and the intercellular substance.


ZiT Konstanz

Obere Laube 44
78462 Konstanz


ZiT Konstanz
    +49 7531 – 7141 - 100    
Academy Dr. Mosetter
    +49 7351 – 7141 - 200    

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