About Us

Our Goals and Motivations

The deeper purpose of our activities is driven by four overarching goals and has been shaped by our personal experiences dealing with pain and disability.

  1. Patient-centered therapy
    At the heart of all of our activities are people with pain, diseases and handicaps, for whom we intend to provide real help on multiple levels – including help for self-healing. At the same time, we make every effort to empower the patient to be an agent for his/her own health. To accomplish this requires the closest collaboration among an interdisciplinary team, including doctors, naturopaths, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, complementary medicine practitioners and trainers working around the Myoreflex model.
  2. Building bridges!
    Toward this end and to serve the affected patients, we have to build bridges connecting seemingly very diverse or divergent medical systems and their respective philosophies. Interdisciplinary unions and advanced training across disciplinary boundaries are essential to make this possible. We see it as an especially important mission to build bridges between the experiences of Chinese/Tibetan medicine and modern academic medicine. Similarly, clinically practicable and thus, passable bridges are needed to connect with the latest scientific discoveries and knowledge from brain research and biochemistry in order to develop successful treatment models. Contemporary wisdom should rapidly revolutionize established but outmoded concepts of therapy. The same problematic also pertains to a remarkable degree to traditional truisms in the area of nutrition and outmoded notions in the dietary sciences, which despite remarkable findings from current research, are still rarely practiced or taught in a cutting edge manner at medical universities.

    Given the enormous number of new research findings and studies, there must also be a major bridge constructed to the essential components of diet and exercise behavior to be a part of every efficient treatment. This bridge will enable the achievement of self-responsibility and prevention.

    An additional bridge spans the gap between the specialties of physics and functional anatomy along with the acupuncture treatment model. By “translating” the most important acupuncture points to the anatomical features of muscle origin and muscle insertion and by regarding muscle meridians as kinetic chains in the fields of physics and biomechanics, it is possible to efficiently predict acupuncture points. This makes it possible to empirically prove and understand Asian experiential medicine, and will enable patients with muscular, joint, nerve, spinal and pain problems to benefit directly, rapidly, efficiently and logically.
  3. Focus on the muscles
    Muscles are of critical importance to our Myoreflex treatment model. The muscular system does not gain therapeutic relevance through a fragmented system of “dead anatomy” based on the study of corpses, but rather through the laws governing the nerve-muscle control processes, brain-muscle synchronization, and the functional interplay of living muscles.

    For the past 25 years, we have been committed to rescuing muscles from their shadow existence and disseminating knowledge about the ingeniousness of the control and feedback systems that regulate their functions. Muscular balance and the processes of neuromuscular synchronization touch virtually all specialties of medicine. Of course, these principles do not replace any specialty, but rather, can significantly expand and enrich its area of effectiveness. The specialized field of Myoreflex therapy that deals with the muscles fills important gaps in the understanding of pain and provides an interdisciplinary connection to bring together the most diverse disciplines.

    So, for example, the jaw muscles are essential for understanding the treatment of tinnitus, migraine and problems with dizziness. The organization of the muscular system of the cervical spine is a necessary element for successfully treating prolapsed discs, a narrowed spinal canal and the shoulder-arm syndrome. The muscular interplay between the pelvis and the hip flexors, and of the thoracic spine, the diaphragm and the scalene muscles with the cervical spine is a foundation for the efficient treatment of arthritis, breathing problems, asthma, back pain, high blood pressure and gastrointestinal symptoms.

    We are working to promote the recognition of muscles in the form of a unique specialty discipline of neuromyology – in the same way that neurology deals with nerves and orthopedics with bones. The laws of physics make it possible to describe muscles in terms of force vectors. Muscle origins and muscle insertions are thereby considered as the fixed points in the transition to bony structures. This perspective makes it possible to understand pain through vector analysis based on the laws of biokinematics, and to calculate these vectors and provide logical solutions for problems using the Myoreflex model.

    Thus, Myoreflex Therapy represents a bridge that helps translate between the field of physics, the medical disciplines of anatomy, and experiential medicine with its acupuncture systems. The combined understanding of physics and anatomy help the patient, along with the bridges that explain physics plus anatomy.
  4. Energy and sugar metabolism are critical
    Energy metabolism is of critical importance for understanding and effectively treating many so-called diseases of civilization. Disturbances and disruptions in energy balance can result in muscular pain, abnormal fat metabolism, high blood pressure, inflammation, problems with memory and attention, and even lead to such neurodegenerative diseases as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

    Years of research in the area of glycobiochemistry and sugar metabolism in the brain have opened new pathways for understanding and treating serious and complex illnesses. The importance and the impact of sugar metabolism in the brain and liver have been specifically shown for those disturbances that result in crises of energy balance, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and inflammatory states. In this context, lack of energy, inflammation, oxidative stress, vascular and nerve degeneration are consequences of disruptions and distortions in the energy supply.

    Thus, stress, the biochemistry of sugar metabolism and eating and exercise behavior play an extremely important role as underlying causes of seemingly disparate diseases. Metabolism taking place in the gut and liver is at the ultimate root of many metabolic and neurological diseases. The liver-fat cell-muscle triangle assumes critical importance for the health of the brain, body and psyche through what is known as the liver-brain axis. Therefore, all successful therapies must pay attention to the liver, energy metabolism and diet.

    Overloading with short-chain carbohydrates, starches and sugar leads to stress and digestive disturbances in the gut and the liver. Starches, sugar and sweet beverages place a strain on the liver – and in turn, on fat metabolism. Fat cells turn into centers for hormone crises and intense inflammation. Excessive insulin secretion is a common consequence and has the effect of throwing oil upon a fire. While one patient may develop vascular inflammation and obstruction leading to a heart attack or stroke, in other patients, it is their muscles or bones that are affected. Thus, muscular pain, muscle weakness, immobilization, osteopenia and osteoporosis are not illnesses that develop out of the clear blue sky, but rather, the consequences of metabolic derailments. In another group of patients – depending on family genetic loading – it is brain metabolism that is disrupted, leading toward Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease or ALS, and in yet others, the stage is set for the development of a malignant illness.

  5. Interdisciplinary collaboration for the patient’s benefit

    Implementing goals 1 through 4 requires information, continuing education, lectures, publications, literature, and training models that strive for interdisciplinary and cross-specialty competencies. For this reason, the Center for Interdisciplinary Therapies, the treatment center, and the publishing house are fully interconnected and networked with the continuing education institute.

    The close collaboration between Kurt and Reiner Mosetter has resulted in the publication of a large number of articles in professional journals and books. Through excellent coordination, the practice team and the advanced training programs have generated a large group of trained instructors who are now able to offer basic training and advanced courses in Myoreflex therapy in Munich, Hamburg, Trondheim, Konstanz, Radolfzell, Hegne and Baar.

ZiT Konstanz

Obere Laube 44
78462 Konstanz


ZiT Konstanz
    +49 7531 915501    
Myoreflex Training
    +49 7531 3655835    

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